Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Florida, Day 5

    After such a rough day yesterday, Megan and I needed today to be better. Waking up to a huge crash of thunder and gusting winds wasn't a great start. (It was also kinda cool, I love storms!) In fact, the winds were so strong that Jeff and Keeley's grill literally got blown off of their back porch! On the upside of this, though, we knew that today was supposed to be a rainy and stormy day since Monday. So we were expecting this and were prepared.
    Keeley made a deliciouc breakfast this morning, serving the best whole... grain? (Gluten free... and they really were so good!) I think so... pancakes I have ever had. Some toast with guacamole and some sausage only sweetens the deal. Meg and I enjoyed that and took our time moving onto the next part of the day. I had two things scheduled for today: 1) Make biscotti 2) High Speed Go Karts.
    I have come to really enjoy making biscotti. Meg and I started on them, and the Scully's couldn't be happier. They've been making sure that we didn't forget that we wanted to  make them. We made them allergen-free, as Keeley and Brooke are both allergic to almonds. I think it's safe to say that they came out great, but we'll really only know tomorrow morning.

    At this point in the process, it was time to leave for High Speed Go Karts at the Tampa Strings Grand Prix! (Speedy McFastPants rides again!) These are electric go karts that can go over 40 mph in an indoor track. The goal isn't neccessarily to get 1st place in position, like most races. With high speed karting, the goal is to have the fastest lap. Each race was 14 laps, so there were about 14 attemps that we each had to get the best lap time each race. We raced three times. Each time, we got faster and faster.

    For dinner, we went to Rusty Bellies. I've been wanting to go here, because Ethan really made it sound good when we first got to Florida. Good food, good drinks, good dessert, and a good view. (The most stuffed @ I've been in awhile!) It was perfect. By this point, the storm was over and Florida was sunny again. 

Its not a vacation 'til there's a face in a hole

    Now we're home, and its time to finish the biscotti...

    Tomorrow, we will find out how they came out. See you then!


  1. These are great pics, everybody looks so good! And the biscotti too 😋

  2. Everything looks wonderful!!

  3. Everything looks wonderful!!
